Nepali name: चञ्चले अर्जुनक Chanchale Arjunak
The Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher
sometimes known as the Grey-headed
Flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis) is a
species of small flycatcher-like bird found in
tropical Asia. It has a square crest, a grey
hood and yellow underparts. They are found
mainly in forested habitats where they often
join other birds in mixed-species foraging
flocks . Pairs are often seen as they forage
for insects by making flycatcher-like sallies
and calling aloud. Several subspecies are
recognized within their wide distribution
range. In the past the genus Culicicapa was
considered to be an Old World flycatcher
but studies have found them to belong to a
new family designated as the Stenostiridae
or fairy flycatchers that include the African
genera Stenostira and Elminia.

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